Saturday, September 5, 2015

Cottage w/ bicycle - the Parkinson's series [scan]

Object: Cottage w/ bicycle
Type:    b/w drawing,  pencil
Date:    2015
Location: Germany
Story: This part of a set of drawings by a Parkinson's patient. We obtained permission to publish scans of the drawings. As relentless do-gooders, we offered the artist to put them on this blog and tell the world the original drawings are for sale.

(c) 2015 K-Landnews.

You can buy the original, letter sized drawing from the artist. All proceeds go to the artist, whose condition has left him unable to work more than an hour or two a day and who lives on a disability check of a few Euros above poverty level.
Name a price and contact us krautlandnewseditor (at)

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