Wednesday, April 30, 2014


A piece of art you owned or cared about went missing?

We offer you a place for your story. 


Because it happens to a lot of people. If the work is very valuable, there are web sites that charge a fee for listing a search post.

If the work's value is mostly emotional, no one gives a hoot anyway.

Either way, send us the story with a photo. If you agree that we can publish it without charging you a fee and without paying you anything, we'll put the story on this blog.

Think of it as a memorial for art.

The best stories, however, are those that end well. An item is lost, then re-surfaces and goes back to the rightful owner. If you would like to share such a story, we would be happy to tell the world.

Contact us at: krautlandnewseditor [at sign] gmail [the dot & the com]

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